Article posted Fri Feb 24 2023

Game Engines: An introduction to game engine licencing

Game engines are an essential tool for developers, as they provide a platform for creating video games. However, with the rise of open-source game engines, understanding the different license types associated with them has become crucial. In this article, we will explore the various license types available for game engines, including the MIT license, and explain them in a way that's easy to understand for anyone who is not familiar with legal terminology.

Proprietary Licenses

Proprietary licenses are the most common licenses used for commercial game engines. These licenses allow developers to use the engine and its tools for creating games, but they are not free. The developer typically pays a licensing fee, which can vary based on the engine and its usage.

One of the most popular game engines with a proprietary license is the Unreal Engine. It offers a free version for non-commercial use, but developers are required to pay royalties on any commercial game they create using the engine.

MIT License

The MIT license is an open-source license that allows developers to modify and distribute the source code of the engine without any limitations. This license is popular because it provides developers with the freedom to use and modify the engine as they see fit, without any legal limitations.

The Godot game engine is an excellent example of an engine that uses the MIT license. It is entirely free to use, and developers can modify the source code as needed.

GPL License

The GPL license is another open-source license that requires any software created using the engine to be licensed under the same GPL license. This means that any game created using a GPL-licensed engine must also be open source.

The Blender game engine uses the GPL license, which means that any game created using Blender must also be open source. This license can be a double-edged sword for developers, as it can limit the commercial viability of their game.

Apache License

The Apache license is a permissive open-source license that allows developers to modify and distribute the source code of the engine without any restrictions. However, the license also includes a patent clause that grants users of the engine patent rights.

The HaxeFlixel game engine is an excellent example of an engine that uses the Apache license. It is entirely free to use and modify, and the patent clause provides additional legal protection to developers.


Game engines are critical tools for developers, and understanding the different license types associated with them is crucial. Proprietary licenses are the most common licenses used for commercial game engines, while open-source licenses like the MIT, GPL, and Apache licenses provide developers with the freedom to use and modify the engine as they see fit. Each license type has its own advantages and disadvantages, and developers must choose the license that best suits their needs.