
This site has been set up as a resource for general subjects that I find of interest or use, using AI to create initial articles helping me keep track of tidbits of information that may be of use to someone else. Articles are generally updated 'by hand' over time, to include further information. Think of the site as a giant notepad presented as articles.

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For any enquiries please contact me at hello (at) blackmage.co.uk.

If you've found any of the articles helpful and want to tip, buy me a coffee. Half of all proceeds are donated to charity (Mind).

The content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only. The website and its owners do not accept any liability for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from the use of or reliance on any information or material contained on this website.

All code examples provided on this blog are provided as reference material only and are given as-is without any guarantee of fitness for a particular purpose or correctness. The website and its owners do not accept any liability for any damage, whether personal or in a business environment, that may result from the use of any code example provided on this blog.

It is the responsibility of the reader to test and validate any code examples provided on this blog before implementing them in any project or environment.